Book of Shadows Blessing Spell

Book of Shadows Blessing Spell


At the time of the Full Moon, take your Book of Shadows (one that  hasn’t been written in yet) and some incense (pennyroyal, anise or rue) outside.


Under the light of the Full Moon, draw a pentagram on the first page and under this  write the following information: date, time, place, your magical name (and sigil if you have one),  the moon’s phase and any other info you feel is important. Hold the book up to the Moon and say:

Here as the Full Moon shines upon me, Bless this Book I’ve made tonight. I humbly ask this of thee, Underneath your most sacred light.


Spell of the Cord

Spell of the Cord


By the knot of one, the spells begun
By the knot of two it cometh true
By the knot of three, thus shall it be
By the knot of four, tis strengthened more
By the knot of five,so may it thrive
By the kniot of six, the spell we fix
By the knot of seven, the stars of heaven
By the knot of eight,the hand of fate
By the knot of ninethe thing is mine.

Psychic Sight Mojo Bag

Psychic Sight Mojo Bag

A spell to open the third eye.
Fill a small purple bag (or a piece of cloth that you can wrap herbs in and tie up) with as many of the following herbs as you can:
mugwort acica honeysuckle apeppermint rosemary thyme yarrow –cloves dandelion lilac lavender Calendula – (marigold)

Gather the edges of the cloth and tie a string around it if you are using a cloth, or if you used a small purple bag, tie it shut. (Drawstring bag works best.)
Using a dark violet marker, draw an eye on the front of the bag.
Rub the bag on the third eye Chakra (forehead) whenever performing divination or needing psychic sight, and sleep with it under your pillow every night.

To Undo A Spell You Have Casted

To Undo A Spell You Have Casted

Purpose: To undo a spell
Best time to perform: After midnight any night
Direction to face to open the circle: East
Best moon phase to use: Waning

Incense to burn : Benzoin
Herbs to use: Angelica
Oils to use : Anoint candles with Rosemary Oil
Candle colors: use White candles, as many as you like.
Supplies needed:

One bead from a necklace you own (preferably a pearl–faux or real)
a small patch of Black Cloth
some string for tying

“I cast a spell asking , I now ask the favour of having the spell removed. I understand to take back a spell means giving up something of my own to show my spirit is true and my intentions are good, I give this pearl/bead from a necklace I own. I transfer the spell into the and render the spell dormant. No harm may come from the cancellation of this spell. No further power shall it have. This is my will -so be it.”

Place the pearl/bead in the black cloth – add your angelica herbs–tie up tightly in the string until you have wrapped the pearl/bead entirely in the cloth. Dribble a bit of wax from the candles on the final knot you tie. Then throw the small package away far from your home.

Close the circle and give thanks

House Blessing Spell for Full Moons

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House Blessing Spell for Full Moons

This is a wonderful spell to use every Full Moon to bless and protect your house. It also removes any negative energy or spirits lurking about.

Items you will need:

Sea Salt


House Blessing/Protection Incense

Glass of Red Wine

Dried White Sage


The Spell:

In the room you spend most of your time in, or a “main room” of your house (like your living room)–Cast a Circle of Power. You do not perform an elaborate ritual for this, you can simply visualize a protective circle around you that slowly expands to emcompass your entire living space and house. Invite positive energy, your guides and all spirits who will be positive to come to your aid–and release all those spirits and energies that are negative. An easy way to do this, is to say, this while casting your circle:

“By Fire, Air, Earth and Water – I conjure thee that there remain within thy frame, no adverse spell or enmity, or spirit not in accord with me, this is my Will, So Mote It Be!”

Put your water and salt, in a small bowl you will take wih you on your journey through the house, place the dried sage on top of the water and salt. Have your house blessing incense burning in the room you cast your circle. Then, walking through the house, go to each door, window and entrance and anoint the doors and windows with a sprinkle of the mixture, while saying:

“By the Elements, I purify this home and all doorways. May Love and Light, prosperity and joy enter. May these passages allow friends and love ones to enter and prevent those who wish ill or harm.”

Do this to all the windows and doors. Follow your steps one more time, ringing the bell. Ringing the bell raises positive energies and spirits. Take the wine, and anoint the front doorway with touches of wine. If you own your home, you can pour the wine across the doorway outside. Place the remaining water, salt and sage outside as an offering to the Goddess. Close your circle and the blessing is complete.

The Witches Magickal Spell for Jan. 21st – Dancing Broom Spell

Witchy Comments
Dancing Broom Spell


Items You Will Need:

Blue or White Candle

Citrus Scented Incense

Up Tempo Music


The Spell:

If you are feeling down or could use a little pick me up this spell should work for you. Light some citrusy smelling incense along with a blue or white candle. Put something on the radio that makes you want to dance. Something happy and upbeat. In a counterclockwise direction (this is done to remove any negativity that is lingering in the room) start sweeping from room to room in your house or apartment. After you have finished, reverse this and start sweeping in a clockwise direction to instill harmony into your household. Go from room to room again until you get back to where you started from. If you feel the need arise, start singing and dancing as you sweep, feel the music and mood just carry you away. Get into the ritual and enjoy yourself.

The Witches Spell for January 14th – Enthusiasm Spell

Blessed Be Comments

Enthusiasm Spell

This is a gift of good mental health, or perhaps a gift   of the stars. People who don’t get enthusiastic miss a lot. This feeling makes   you glow, it makes your blood run faster, it is the fuel that carries you to   your goals. Motivation is another form of this feeling. If you want to become   more enthusiastic about your life, do this ritual every morning just after you   get up and every evening just before you fall asleep.

Get a piece of green stone. It can be jasper, malachite,   emerald, or jade. Rub it with your hands over the smoke from a little incense   (your favorite) and say three times:

Green stone, green star,   We grow, we reach,   We mind, we shine!

Carry the green stone on your body at all times in a little   pouch. Even sleep with it under your pillow!

The Witches Spell for January 9th – A Spell To Ward Off Evil

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The Witches Spell for January 9th

Spell To Ward Off Evil


To ward off evil spirits or energy:

In a small jar, place sage, sandalwood, galangal and brimstone herbs. Mix well and sprinkle sea salt on top. Cut a three inch piece of red string, and tie one knot into it, and place it in the jar. Next, place three pins or nails in the jar and close it shut. Light a black candle and say:

“Pins that prick, herbs and string, to protect me now, my guardians do soar!”

Hid the jar in a dark place to ward off any evil.

The Perfect Spell for the New Year, I Give You My Friend – Prosperity Spell

Book & Candle Comments

 Prosperity Spell


To ensure a good measure of prosperity for the New Year, take some play money or a few Hell notes (purchased in any New Age Shop). Write your financial wish for the New Year on it. Hold it in front of an altar set with a green tablecloth and cauldron and visualize your wish coming true. When you are satisfied with your image, say the following words:

“Let my spell be spread on air.

Nothing may my wish impair.

Bring success and wealth to me.

As this I burn, So Mote It Be!”


Burn the paper in your cauldron. When the ashes are cooled, release them to the wind.