For Relief of Bad Luck & Problems

For Relief of Bad Luck & Problems

(safe Hoodoo magick)

In black ink make a list of all of your problems you wish to be relieved of. Each day for 13 days in a row burn one black 6’ ritual candle with “Go Away Now” carved on each. Dress (rubbed on the candle pointing away from you) each candle with Hot Foot or Get Gone Oil and burn on top of your problem list. Each day as the candle burns for 13 minutes in a row read Psalms 7 over and over again and pray that your bad luck be sent away from you. On the 13th day after the candle has burned wrap the paper with all the candle wax upon it in a black cloth and leave it in a cemetary. Be sure to leave a handful of change to pay the cemetary spirits for keeping your problems for you. For seven days there after bath in a cleansing bath. Do not towel dry off. Let yourself draw naturally.

Out With The Old, In With The New

Out With The Old, In With The New

This spell utilizes the transformative powers of fire for personal change.

What you need:

Fire Proof Container

What to do: Relax. Light the candle. Sit down and write down ALL the things you want to change about yourself. Make sure they are things you truly wish to change. When you are done catch the paper on fire and when it first lights say to the paper:


Place the paper in fire proof container and gaze into the burning flames. Say:

“Transformation I call to me,
Blessed Fire answer my plea.
Banish the old and bring in the new,
Clear the way for what’s healthy and true.”

Keep saying it until the flames die down to nothing. Make a concerted effort to change your ways/habits/thoughts and fire will help you achieve success.



You need:

Piece of burlap

piece of wool

piece of silk

Some polished stones (polished) from a river or stream

A live leaf

A bowl of fruit and/or bread

A dead branch


Lay the silk, wool and burlap at the foot of your bed in that order. About 5 feet from the foot of your bed, toward the left, lay the branch. About 5 feet from the foot of your bead, toward the right, place the bowl.  The branch is the barren curse and the bowl is the bountiful life that withers the curse.  Lay one stone on each cloth then lay a path from the wool, straight down the center, between the bowl and the branch.  The stones must touch. At the end lay the leaf.  By laying the stones, you show respect for the fates and the balance of life.  Light three candles and incense and meditate over the rite.  Sleep without touching the items.  When you wake, watch how much the stones have moved.  If they bias the branch, you are cursed.  If they bias the bowl, you are blessed.  If it doesn’t move, no outside force is affecting you.  If you are cursed, how far it has moved will determine the strength of the curse. Reset the path, and that night, light the three candles and the incense and meditate again over the rite.  Sleep again without touching anything. The path should have moved less than the first time.  Repeat this every night until the path stays in the middle.  Next, move the path toward the bowl following the same meditation and sleep process as before.  Continue this every night until the path stays at the bowl.  When it has done so, you may complete the rite.  Touch nothing, but for the three following nights, meditate over the rite, to seal your new fate.  The stones must be returned to the river or stream where you got them from .  The branch must be returned to the forest floor where you found it, and the leaf cast to the wind.  The bowl of fruit must be eaten,  and the cloth must be saved in a dark place, undisturbed.



You Will Need:

3 hairs of an imposing beast
black cloth
oil of frankincense or myrrh

Mix the mugwort and angelica in equal parts, add to it the 3 hairs and bind together in a black cloth.
Add a few drops of the oil onto the cloth. then say

” He who is strong, he who is mighty
Lend thine power to this charm
Demons turn on your heels and run”

Draw over it a pentagram and the charms of banishment.
Burn the mixture to drive away the spirits that ail you.
Burn it in your home or room you wish to exorcise. Bury it before your doorstep and no demon shall touch you nor enter. Wear the charm or hide it in the roof to ensure safety against any ills.

House Blessing Spell for Full Moons

Witchy Cat Graphics & Comments

House Blessing Spell for Full Moons

This is a wonderful spell to use every Full Moon to bless and protect your house. It also removes any negative energy or spirits lurking about.

Items you will need:

Sea Salt


House Blessing/Protection Incense

Glass of Red Wine

Dried White Sage


The Spell:

In the room you spend most of your time in, or a “main room” of your house (like your living room)–Cast a Circle of Power. You do not perform an elaborate ritual for this, you can simply visualize a protective circle around you that slowly expands to emcompass your entire living space and house. Invite positive energy, your guides and all spirits who will be positive to come to your aid–and release all those spirits and energies that are negative. An easy way to do this, is to say, this while casting your circle:

“By Fire, Air, Earth and Water – I conjure thee that there remain within thy frame, no adverse spell or enmity, or spirit not in accord with me, this is my Will, So Mote It Be!”

Put your water and salt, in a small bowl you will take wih you on your journey through the house, place the dried sage on top of the water and salt. Have your house blessing incense burning in the room you cast your circle. Then, walking through the house, go to each door, window and entrance and anoint the doors and windows with a sprinkle of the mixture, while saying:

“By the Elements, I purify this home and all doorways. May Love and Light, prosperity and joy enter. May these passages allow friends and love ones to enter and prevent those who wish ill or harm.”

Do this to all the windows and doors. Follow your steps one more time, ringing the bell. Ringing the bell raises positive energies and spirits. Take the wine, and anoint the front doorway with touches of wine. If you own your home, you can pour the wine across the doorway outside. Place the remaining water, salt and sage outside as an offering to the Goddess. Close your circle and the blessing is complete.

The Witches Spell for January 10: Simple Broom Purification Spell

Witchy Comments


Before dawn, take a branch from any tree. Thank the tree for its gift and leave a coin or semi-precious stone at its base in payment.

Next, obtain several brightly colored flowers on long stalks. Tie these flowers to the branch to fashion a sort of broom, then sweep the floor in every room of the house, visualizing the flowers of the broom absorbing negativity and “evil” as you work.

Then, still before sunrise, leave the broom at the crossroads.
Traditionally this ritual is repeated at the first of each month.

Chakra Refreshing Spell


Chakra Refreshing Spell

This helps eliminates negative energy from your chakras and your body. It also refreshes and recharges your chakras.

Items you will need:

An ability to control your chakras


Visualize the root chakra, see all the dark spots as negative energy, relax, let it be seen but not analyzed. Then visualize it glowing and clearing the negative energy. And when it is finished, you will see a flash of glowing light and feel a small spasm of rejuvenation.

Continue on with your other chakras.

The Witches Spell for Friday, Oct. 26th ~ To Rid A Room Of Evil Spell


Light a cinnamon incense stick in the center of the room and walk to the
north east corner or wall. Say:
“Earth and air, purify to good, blow away evil.”
Draw a pentagram of smoke and use the incense stick to stab through the
center. Walk to the Southeast corner of the room and say:
“Air and fire, blow away evil, burn away pain.”
Repeat the pentagram and stab the center, then walk to the Southwest part of
the room. Say:
“Fire and water, burn away pain, wash away fear.”
Repeat pentagram and stab. Walk to the Northwest part of the room and say:
“Water and earth, wash away fear,
bury all negativity, purify to good.”
Repeat pentagram and stab. Walk to the center of the room. Point incense
stick to the sky and say:
“As Above…” Now drop an ash from the incense and say: “So Below”

Self Purification Spell

Self Purification Spell

Items needed: salt a bowl of bottled spring water or New Moon Water jasmine or lavender incense


Cast a circle, then invoke the elements and the Gods.

Sit quietly and think about what you want to clear out of your aura.  When you are ready, add three good-sized pinches of salt to the water and stir widdershins (counter clockwise). Breathe deep into the bowl and as you do, let your fears and doubts  pour into the water. Breathe them into the salt water where they will dissolve away.

Do this until you feel that the negative energy has passed out of your body.

Hold the bowl into the air and visualize a gold or white light flowing into the water,  transforming the negative vibrations and cleansing them.  Carry the bowl to the sink and flush the water down the sink with cold, running water.  Smudge yourself with either jasmine or lavender incense (or another scent that promotes  peace) and open the circle.

Spell to Rid a Room of Evil

Spell to Rid a Room of Evil

Light a cinnamon incense stick in the center of the room and walk to the  north east corner or wall. Say:

Earth and air, purify to good, blow away evil.


Draw a pentagram of smoke and use the incense stick to stab through the center. Walk to the Southeast corner of the room and say:

Air and fire, blow away evil, burn away pain.

Repeat the pentagram and stab the center, then walk to the Southwest part of  the room. Say:

Fire and water, burn away pain, wash away fear.

Repeat pentagram and stab. Walk to the Northwest part of the room and say:

Water and earth, wash away fear, Bury all negativity, purify to good.

Repeat pentagram and stab. Walk to the center of the room. Point incense  stick to the sky and say:

As Above…

Now drop an ash from the incense and say:

So Below.