The Witches Magickal Spell for Jan. 21st – Dancing Broom Spell

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Dancing Broom Spell


Items You Will Need:

Blue or White Candle

Citrus Scented Incense

Up Tempo Music


The Spell:

If you are feeling down or could use a little pick me up this spell should work for you. Light some citrusy smelling incense along with a blue or white candle. Put something on the radio that makes you want to dance. Something happy and upbeat. In a counterclockwise direction (this is done to remove any negativity that is lingering in the room) start sweeping from room to room in your house or apartment. After you have finished, reverse this and start sweeping in a clockwise direction to instill harmony into your household. Go from room to room again until you get back to where you started from. If you feel the need arise, start singing and dancing as you sweep, feel the music and mood just carry you away. Get into the ritual and enjoy yourself.

One More Magickal Spell for My Dear Friends – Revive Your Magickal Powers


Revive Your Magickal Powers

On the night of the full moon, anoint a purple candle with vanilla
oil. while annointing, raise energy and focus it into the candle. See
it glow with magick. Light the candle and go outside (if possible) or
near a window where you can see the moon. Place the candle on the
ground or windowsill. Reach your arms out to the moon and say:

I ask for your power on this night,
By the powers of the stars above me,
So shall it be

Visualize your arms and hands soaking up the powers of the moon and into your body. Put out the candle and leave it on your altar
overnight. The next morning, repeat the spell with this chant.

Oh dear Lord of sky and seaa,
Lead your magick unto me,
By soil, wind, flame, and sea,
This is my will, so mote it be.

Soak up the powers of the sun. Go to your altar and light the purplle
candle from the night before and meditate on it until it burns out.

The Witches Spell for January 5th – Power Removal Spell (The One Shot Spell)

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 Power Removal Spell

The One Shot Spell

(NOTE: Do not use rum for this spell! As it is sacred to some of the Afro-Caribbean deities, using it as such may be offensive to Them.)


1 shot of vodka, bourbon, gin or scotch

1 glass to hold the shot of alcohol

1 12 oz. glass of water

Pour the shot of alcohol, then swirl it in the glass, saying:

“(Name of target) you’ve become

(Name of target) you shall stay

And I’ve become the nemesis

“Who will take your power away.”

Take a sip from the glass, saying:

“One sip and you feel weak.”

Take another sip, saying:

“Another makes you fall.”

Then chug the rest of the shot and say:

“As I toss back the rest of this

I own your power: All!”

Now chase the shot with the full glass of water, drinking it down as quickly as possible. Then say:

“In an hour’s time, I’ll piss you out.

And you’ll be laid to waste,

Weak and lowly like the piss

And swimming in disgrace.”

Utterly Wicked
Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions
By Dorothy Morrison

Psychic Herb Jar

Psychic Herb Jar

A herb jar to enhance powers physically and mentally

Fill with the following:

Cinnamon- For dream magick
Nutmeg- For good luck
Allspice- For healing
Ginger- For lunar magick
Basil- For protection
Fennel seeds- For spiritual healing
Garlic- For spiritual purification
Marjoram- For protection
Sage- For spiritual purification
Cloves- For protection
Mustard seeds- For protection

Third Eye Rite

Third Eye Rite


Perform this neo-Pagan ritual to improve psychic powers three days before the moon is full, and preferably when it is in either the astrological sign of Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio.
Begin by brewing a strong magical tea made from yarrow or mugwort (herbs that stimulate the psychic senses) and then light thirteen purple colored votive candles to help attract psychic influences.
Drink the tea and then gaze fixedly into a magic mirror, crystal ball, or crystal pyramid as you chant thrice the following incantation:

I invoke thee, O Asariel
Archangel of Neptune
And ruler of clairvoyant powers.
I ask thee now to open my third eye
And show me the hidden light
Let me see the future.
Let me see the past.
Let me perceive the divine
Kingdoms of the unknown.
Let me understand the wisdom
Of the mighty universe.
So mote it be!

After chanting, relax, breathe slowly and concentrate on opening your Third Eye. Do not permit any negative thought to contaminate your mind. The Third Eye, an invisible chakra located in the middle of the forehead above the space between the eyebrows, is the human body’s highest source of power, supernormal sight and clairvoyant vision.

Psychic Sight Mojo Bag

Psychic Sight Mojo Bag

A spell to open the third eye.

Fill a small purple bag (or a piece of cloth that you can wrap herbs in and tie up) with as many of the following herbs as you can:











Calendula – (marigold)

Gather the edges of the cloth and tie a string around it if you are using a cloth, or if you used a small purple bag, tie it shut. (Drawstring bags work best.)
Using a dark violet marker, draw an eye on the front of the bag.
Rub the bag on the third eye Chakra (forehead) whenever performing divination or needing psychic sight, and sleep with it under your pillow every night.

Revive Your Magickal Powers

Revive Your Magickal Powers


On the night of the Full Moon, anoint a purple candle with vanilla oil. While anointing, raise energy and focus it into the candle. See it glow with magick. Light the candle and go outside or near a window where you can see the moon. Place the candle on the ground or windowsill. Reach your arms out to the moon and say:

“I ask for Your Power on this night,
By the Powers of the Stars above me,
So Mote It Be.”

Visualize your arms and hands soaking up the Powers of the Moon and into your body. Put out the candle and leave it on your altar overnight. The next morning, repeat the spell with this chant:

“Oh, dear Lord of Sky and Sea,
Lead Your Magick unto me,
By soil, wind, flame, and sea,
This is my will,
So Mote It Be.”

Soak up the Powers of the Sun. Go to your altar and light the purple candle from the night before and meditate on it until it burns out.

The Witches Magick for November 11: Self Empowerment Spell


This is a fairly simple spell, and of course you should change it according to your tastes.

–1 white candle (probably the bigger the better)


The candle should be cleansed before you begin, and could be infused with white energy, the energy of love and strength. Meditate upon your intentions before you begin. why do you need to empower yourself? Is it because you wish to realize the beauty within yourself, or you wish others to see the beauty or strength you know that lies within you.

This spell also works best if you do a cleansing of yourself, whether it is bath or shower or just visualize all of the negativity that you are carrying with you washing away.

The candle should be placed in front of the mirror, and the mirror should face you. Light the candle. Feel the positive energy emanating from the candle.
If you worship a deity, call upon them to help you.

Chant or say a prayer. This is an example:

I walk in beauty with the Goddess.
I am strength. I am beauty. I am will. I am love.
She is within me. All who see me, know Her.


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The Witches’ Spell for Nov. 1 ~ Power of the Earth Spell

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Power of the Earth Spell

From Malaysia, a power spell that harnesses the power of the earth. This spell can be used to empower yourself in any situation.

You will need:
A small stone
A small amount of soil or sand
A piece of cloth
A bowl of spring water

This spell can only be begun two nights prior to a full moon.

Put the soil or sand into the bowl. Fill the bowl halfway with spring water. Place the stone in the bowl of water. Place the bowl, with the stone in it, in a place where it will be exposed to the light of the moon. Leave it there for two nights prior to the full moon.

On the night of the full moon, remove the stone at midnight. Wrap the stone in the cloth and place it under your pillow as you sleep.

In the morning, you must be up before sunrise. Place the stone in a place where it will receive the light of the rising sun. When the sun has fully        risen, the spell is worked.

Carry the stone with you whenever you need to be empowered.

~Magickal Graphics~

The Witches Spell for October 28 – A Chant To Charge Your Magickal Workings

A Chant To Charge Your Magickal Workings

The following chant is a good all purpose chant that will charge your magickal workings:

Witches power burning bright, tarot, rune and blade,
Charge the spell, enfilled with might, here and now the magic’s made.
Wave and tree, hedge and flame, strength of the elements gather here,
to bless this work and charge it well, to complete the spell now far or near.
Mystic Moon and Brilliant Sun, send your power here this way,
Gracious Lady, Mighty Lord, bless this charge that I lay.
Powers that are, powers that be, gather round this spell I cast,
empower my working three times three, send it forth to see it last!

So Shall it Be!