The Witches Spell for January 24th – Full Moon Scrying Ritual

Gothic Comments

Full Moon Scrying Ritual

The upcoming summer months are the perfect time for Full Moon Scrying and I’d like to pass on an old, time honored scrying ritual originally written by D.J. Conway that I have used many times during the long summer nights:

Items Needed:  1 bright, shiny silver coin  1 small, black cauldron or scrying bowl filled with water

Perform this ritual outside where the rays of the Moon can fall directly onto the water in the cauldron. If you cannot go outside, stay in a darkened room near a window that the Moon shines through. Place the coin in the water and take the cauldron in both hands. Gaze up at the Moon and say:

“Lovely Lady of the night,  Mysteries old and futures bright,  Give me a glimpse of that to be  And as I will so mote it be.”

Look down at the coin shimmering in the cauldrons water. With your eyes half closed, adjust your vision as if you were looking into and through the coin. Don’t try to analuze anything you might see or that might come into your mind. Just accept it. Some people, rathar than seeing actual pictures within the cauldron, will have mental impressions, feelings or pictures. When you have finished, bow to the Moon and say thank you. Pour the water out on the ground. You’re done!

Snow Moon Ritual Oil

Snow Moon Ritual Oil

Draw the power and passion of the Goddess to you with this ritual oil.

You will  need nine tablespoons of grape seed oil, six drops of sandalwood-scented oil, two drops of lavender essential oil, and twelve drops of vanilla extract.

Pour the oils and extract into a bottle with a sealed top. Shake the oil while saying:

Goddess of love bless this sensuous oil
Please fill it with your divine power and passion.

Warm the oil up slightly before using it to massage your beloved. Enjoy the aroma as you kneed the oil into your lover’s skin. After you rub your beloved, then have or her massage you with your snow moon ritual oil.

Answering Machine Love Magick (Snow Moon)

Answering Machine Love Magick

(Snow Moon)


Express your love with this spell tonight.

You will need a phone with voice mail or a phone answering machine.

Tonight call the one you love. Just before you dial the phone number say three times:

“May this message of love touch the heart of my beloved.”

Now, leave a special message of love on the phone machine. Tell him or her your loving thoughts and express your feelings. Also leave romantic instructions as to exactly what you want your lover to do for you tonight, and what you are going to do for him or her. If you have called your own home, make sure your mate isn’t home. Then go home, and watch your lover’s face as he or she listens to your message. Again express your feelings to your lover, faced to face, and enjoy a romantic, loving evening together. If you prefer, you can do this spell with e-mail instead of an answering machine.



Yuletide Journey (Snow Moon)

Yuletide Journey

(Snow Moon)


Before you go to sleep, turn on soft meditative music. Hold your dream crystal in your power hand. Lie back and imagine sitting before the most beautiful winter’s evening as you possibly can, with bright stars and a beautiful moon, with cedar and pine trees covered with snow. Breathe in the splendor and beauty of the winter’s evening. As you do, think about the things you are thankful for in your life, your many blessings. Imagine sharing your love and light with others, sharing good times and cultivating happy memories. Now, fill your mind completely with positive and loving thoughts, all the while imagining the incredible winter’s evening in your mind’s eye. Be glad for the divine privilege of life. Know that you are divinely blessed, guided and protected.

Take another deep breath in and breathe in the harmony and peacefulness of your positive and loving thoughts and images.

Take another deep breath, and breathe in the divine beauty of the magnificent winter’s evening. Continue doing this as you drift to sleep.

Starlight, Star Bright Spell (Snow Moon)

Starlight, Star Bright Spell

(Snow Moon)


Cast this spell to fill yourself with bright star power.

At midnight, look your window or doorway at the stars for a few minutes. Then draw a magick circle and call in the elements. Light a white candle, dedicating it to the stars. Say:

Starlight, Star bright, you are the star I see tonight
 I wish I may, I wish I might, be forever divine starlight.

Now inhale deeply and imagine a burst of starlight filling your lungs. Holding your breath causes the light to expand and move throughout your body. When you exhale, any negative feelings and thoughts are released through your breath.

Imagine you are a star whose light keeps growing brighter and brighter. You are a beacon in the night sky, shining as an example for all to see. You are making every effort to be the person you purport to be. Your ideal and real are continually moving closer to being one.

When you are done, bid farewell to the elements, pull up the circle, and allow the candle to burn down safely.

Blue Light Dream Meditation (Snow Moon)

Blue Light Dream Meditation

(Snow Moon)

Glue light is used to wash negativity from your energy field.

Before you go to sleep, lie back comfortably. Take a deep breath to center your awareness. Imagine a bright cobalt blue light shining in a stream into your power chakra at the base of your stomach. Sense its warmth as its begins to energize you on every level of your being. Starting in your gut, it sends out a positive harmonic that neutralizes any discomfort or negativity it encounters. Sense it moving through the various parts of your body, mind, and spirit, eliminating anything negative.

After eliminating the negative, the blue light then starts accentuating the positive energy in you. Imagine that you can take the bluelight and manifest it into anything you want. Realize that all you have to do is wish it to be and it becomes reality.

While you drift to sleep, tell the blue light what you really want and who you really want to be. Repeat to yourself over and over:

“Bright blue light, please empower my dreams.”

Moon Spell

Moon Spell



  • A small globe of crystal or clear glass.


Initial Preparation:

The first time you starts this spell and every time you wish to use it for a new special purpose, you have to clear and consecrate the globe of crystal/glass by holding it up to the light of the Full Moon, so that the lunar image is caught therein.


After this has been performed, the globe may be used as a charm to procure the secret wish of the owner.  On the night of each New Moon, hold the sphere in the left palm, by candlelight, gaze upon it, and chant:

Crescent be full and crystal fill: Thus my eye and thus my will: Fiat Voluntus Abdita! Fiat Voluntus Abdita!! Fiat Voluntus Abdita!!!

The globe should then be kept in a small bag of leather incribed with figures of the Moon’s phases, and worn about the neck during those days and nights between the crescent and the full.  While it is not being worn, the globe should be wrapped in a black cloth and hidden away.

Full Moon Ritual

Full Moon Ritual


The full and new moon rites are a celebration of the moon and Her cycles, as well as a celebration of us.

What you will need:

Your tools

Silver or white candle

White altar candle

A view or picture of the moon



Place the silver or white candle next to your altar candle.

Position your altar so that you can see the moon.

Perform a meditation.

Cast your circle.

Raise your arms over your head, palms up, while saying:


Take the cauldron of earth hold it toward the moon and say:


Take the silver or white candle and place it in the cauldron. Light it and say:


Kneel and say:


Now close your circle. Point your athame down and release while saying:


Let the silver or white candle burn itself out.If you decide to do a spell, perform it before closing the circle and point your athame up instead of down. Then close your circle.

The Witches Magick for November 28th – Full Moon Divination Spell

Full Moon Divination Spell

The purpose of this spell is to find an answer to any question that has been weighing on your mind. To divine the future.


A full moon.


During a full moon, make a circle using the thumb and index finger of the hand you use for casting a circle. Center the full moon within the circle.


“Good moon, Round moon
Full moon near:
Let the Future
Now Appear.”

Concentrate on the moon and ask a question. The answer will come.


Your Magickal Spell for Sunday, July 1 – Drawing Down The Moon

Since there is a Full Moon on July 3rd this month, I figured this spell would be perfect. Look for more Full Moon Spells to come in the next couple of days!

Drawing Down The Moon

This ritual is a common one among Witches and Wiccans and should be part of any practitioners repertoire as well. It is a way of drawing  Moon energy into yourself and connecting with the divine. There are as many ways to perform this ritual as there are practitioners. Here is one way:
Go outside during a Full Moon and stand or sit quietly for a few minutes until you feel the Moon energy vibrating all around  you. You might want to place a mirror in front of you to reflect the moonlight, but it isn’t required. Welcome the Goddess into your Spirit and say  something like the following:
Mother Moon both strong and bright
Fill me up with Goddess light.
When you feel full of the Moon’s power, the ritual is complete.