June, The Sixth Month of Our Goddess, In The Year 2019

“See what delights in sylvan scenes appear!
Descending Gods have found Elysium here.
In woods bright Venus with Adonis stray’d,
And chaste Diana haunts the forest shade.
Come lovely nymph, and bless the silent hours,
When swains from shearing seek their nightly bow’rs;
When weary reapers quit the sultry field,
And crown’d with corn, their thanks to Ceres yield.
This harmless grove no lurking viper hides,
But in my breast the serpent Love abides.
Here bees from blossoms sip the rosy dew,
But your Alexis knows no sweets but you.
Oh deign to visit our forsaken seats,
The mossy fountains, and the green retreats!
Where-e’er you walk, cool gales shall fan the glade,
Trees, where you sit, shall crowd into a shade,
Where-e’er you tread, the blushing flow’rs shall rise,
And all things flourish where you turn your eyes.”

– Alexander Pope, Summer


June is the sixth month of the year. Its astrological sign is Gemini, the twins (May 21 – June 21), a mutable air sign ruled by Mercury It is named for Juno the principle Goddess of the Roman pantheon and wife of Jupiter. She is the patronage or marriage and the well-being of women. This is one reason June is the most popular months for weddings.

June is a month of plenty. Mother Earth is young and fresh the air is sweet with the age-old scent of freshly cut hay. Honeysuckle covers old fences and fills June afternoons with its perfume. In the fields, corn and wheat reach for the Sun. In the garden, bees dance among the roses and larkspur. In June anients prepare for the return of the Sun on the main holiday of the month, the Summer Solstice or Midsummer, the longest day of the year. The gentleness of spring has given way to the powerful heat of summer.

Various cultures pay homage to Sun Gods this time of year. In some places summer is just getting started and the hottest months are yet to come yet after the solstice we don’t even notice the days beginning to get slightly shorter. This is the time for enjoying the splendor of summer playful picnics and hikes through the woods, long nights beneath the stars, tending gardens and flower beds. Roadsides are a riot of color, and herbs such as St. John’s wort, vervain, and yarrow can be used in herbal amulets. This is the time of year to honor the faeries–leave offerings for them of ale, milk, fruit or bread before cutting flowers or herbs, and they may help your garden grow.

During the celebration of Summer Solstice or Midsummer, hoops were set ablaze, through which livestock and humans would pass as an act of purification. Herbs such as vervain rue were cut on Midsummer and hung over doors and barn stalls to provide protection. The wild white daisies that bloom now along country lanes and in meadows were considered magickal, for they represented the Sun. By mid-month, the heat of summer begins which gives June’s Full Moon its name the Strong Sun Moon. The beauty of summer’s first Full Moon is rivaled only by another glowing token of June, the twinkling firefly.

—Excerpt from Llewellyn’s Witches’ Spell-A-Day Almanac
Ember Grant

June’s Correspondences

Festival: Summer solstice (Litha). Symbols include the sun, fire, sunflowers, vegetables, and oak leaves.

Moon name: Strawberry Moon, because it’s the height of the strawberry-picking season. Other names include Planting Moon and Green Corn Moon.

Astrological signs: Gemini, May 21–June 20; Cancer, June 21–July 20.

Birthstones: Pearl and moonstone.

Nature spirits: Fire spirits and water nymphs.

Animals: Bees, butterflies, and squirrels.

Birds: Goldfinch and house martin.

Trees: Oak.

Flowers: Dog roses, ox-eyed daisies, wild orchid.

Herbs: Yarrow, fennel, and St. John’s wort.

Scents: Honeysuckle, rose, and lavender.

Colors: Red, orange, gold, and yellow.

Goddess: Cerridwin.

Powers: Strength and energy from the sun; blossoming confidence and beauty; dedication.
Other: The Queen’s birthday trooping of the colors, the longest day, Environment Day, and the beginning of exams.

–Hedgewitch Book of Days: Spells, Rituals, and Recipes for the Magical Year
Mandy Mitchell

Symbols for the Month of June


June’s Festivals

Summer solstice (Litha). Symbols include the sun, fire, sunflowers, vegetables, and oak leaves.


June’s Sign of the Zodiac

Gemini(May 21–June 21)

Cancer(June 21–July 20)


June’s Celtic Tree Astrology

 Huath (Hawthorne) (May 13 – June 9)

Duir (Oak) (Une 10 – July 7)


June’s Runic Half Months

 Odal (May 29 – June 13)

Dag (June 14 – June 28)

Feoh (June 29 – July 3)


June’s Birthstone

 Pearl and Moonstone


June’s Birth Flower

Dog roses, Ox-eyed daisies, Wild orchid.


June’s Goddess



June’s Folklore

“A calm June puts the farmer in tune.”

“June damp and warm does the farmer no harm.”

“Summer doesn’t start till the elder is in flower.”

–Hedgewitch Book of Days: Spells, Rituals, and Recipes for the Magical Year
Mandy Mitchell

Pagan Calendar of Events for June

Month of Juno – Dedicated to Roman Goddess Juno, partner of Jove (God of Happiness), protector of marriage and family.

June 2 – Juno Regina’s Day (Roman)
– Sin’s Day (Norse)
– Shapatu of Ishtar (Babylonian)
– Seamen’s Day (Icelandish)
– St. Elmo’s Day

JUN. 5: Earth Mother Day—honoring Gaia/Tailtiu/Mother Earth. Calling forth good harvests.

JUN. 11: – Feast of Matuta (Roman)
– Matralia (Roman)
– Fortuna’s Day (Roman)

JUN. 13: Feast of Epona – The Celtic Horse Goddess honoring the Goddess of the Horse [Otherworld Guide].
– Athena’s Day (Greek)
– Minerva’s Day (Roman)

JUN. 14: – Vidar’s Day (Norse)
– Birthday of the Muses (Greek). Music, the arts & inspiration “born”

JUN. 16: – Night of the Teardrop (Egyptian)

JUN. 18: Roman Day of Anna – Goddess Danu to the Celts. Early Christian-Pagans made sure Anna entered the Kristian story, making her Yeshua’s grandmother, Mary’s mother.

JUN. 20: – Iron Skegge’s Day (Norse)
– Festival of Edfu (Egyptian)
– Kuan-Yin Day (day she became a Bodhisattva)

JUN. 21: LITHA SABBAT: Summer Solstice; celebrating Fullness of the Year, Midsummer’s Ever: offerings to the Other People.
– Day of Cerridwen and her Cauldron (English/Welsh)
– Day of Aine of Knockaine (Irish)
– Day of the Green Man (Northern Europe)
– The Great Mother (British)
– Alban Hefin (Druidic)
– Waa-Laa Ends (Native American)
– Litha (Wiccan)
– All Hera’s Day (Roman)
– Ishtar’s Day (Babylonian)
– Astarte’s Day (Canaanite)
– Aphrodite’s Day (Greek)
– Yemaya’s Day (Brazilian)
– Aine’s Day (Irish)

JUN. 23: Day of the Lady and Lord of the Sidhe—Otherworld aspects of the Divine.
– Day of the Fairy Goddesses – Aine, Ana, Anu, Danu
– Celtic Day of the Greenman – Herne, Cernunnos, Lugh

JUN. 24: TEMPLAR HOLY DAY. In the Roman calendar this day was thought to be Summer Solstice. The Church renamed this pagan holiday to St. John the Baptist Day. Templars revered it highly. On Jun 24, 1314 a mysterious band of knights joined Robert the Bruce of Scotland on the battlefield making his victory at Bannockburn possible. These knights could only have been the a troop of disbanded and now in-hiding Templars who had fled to western Scotland. St. John’s day was used by Freemasons in 1717 to found the first public (non-Scottish) Order of Freemasonry in London. Masonic teachings are said to descend from the esoteric Christianity of Templarism. St. John the Baptizer was beheaded because he wouldn’t give in and sacrifice his principles. This is a Templar ideal, as is the constancy and regularity — order out of chaos — of the solstices and equinoxes. So for both reasons, Christian and “pagan,” we observe this day.
– Feast of the Sun (Aztec)
– Midsummer Bride (Swedish)
– Inti Raymi (Incan)
– Lady Luck (European)
– Burning of the Lamps at Sais (Egyptian)

JUN. 25: Parvati Praise Day – Women’s Festival for Earth Mother

JUN. 27: Day of the Lares: Household Deities (/Roman) – honored and tended —cleanse/rededicate household – Altars/shrines.

JUN. 29: Shiva Day: Lord of the Dance invoked for blessings

JUN. 30: Sumerian Day of Aestas: Corn Goddess

For those unfamiliar with glamour as form of magick, there are two versions. Version one is what you probably are thinking about–a falsehood. You have magickally changed your hair, your eye color, perhaps even your entire form simply by using your will. I haven’t done this recently, and you probably haven’t either. Next

The more useful definition is what make you interesting and exciting to yourself and others. Think about something you are currrently working to achieve in your life using Witchcraft and mundane means–a career move, a love interest, travel, adventure. Now think how glamour could help you to achieve this goal. Do you need a door opened for you? Do you need someone to take an interest in this goal to assist you? Do you need to be in the right place at the right time? Your glamour magick can help you with that. After all, if you are fascinating and intoxicating, who could resist you? Not even the universe herself, right?


Glamour Candle Magick

Get out your glitter, your feathers, and your hot glue gun! It’s time to make some magick happen.

You will need:

Rose essential oil
1 vigil candle (found in the Latin section of your grocery store or better yet in our Magickal Boutique) in the color of your choice
Dried rose petals, crushed
Glitter in the color of your choice
Decorations for the outside of your candle, feathers, crystals, markers that work on glass, hot glue. decoupage glue, old magazines, tiny mirrors–wherever your visions takes you
Small piece of brown paper bag
Small bit of ribbon or yarn
Matches or a lighter

Wear something that speaks to your intention. Distill your intention for your work into one sentence, and create a small temporary altar for your intention wherever you generally do magick. Add your craft supplies for your working in front of it. Invoke your goddesses, ancestors, and spirit in front of your altar and make offerings of the thing they like.

Chant that sentence out loud while you put the candle in your pot on medium heat on your stove with a little water at the bottom. When the top begins to melt, shut off the heat. Add your rose essential oil first, then your rose petals, then your glitter. Pour energy for your intention into the candle by putting your hands a safe distance above the candle. When cool, take the candles

Decorate your candle in your sacred space while keeping your intention in the back of your mind. Put on music, that will help if you would like, or enjoy the silence. Center yourself. Write your sentence on your piece of paper bag without letting your pen leave the paper. If it does, get a new piece and start again. Lick your thumb and press it to the paper. Fold it seven times toward yourself. Tie your petition paper around your candle. Spark your intentions.

And so it is.

–Llewellyn’s Witches’ Calendar 2019
Article by Deborah Castellano

Witchy Ways to Celebrate June

Decorate your home and altar with fragrant blooms, and light candles to represent the sun.

Cnnect with the fairies by leaving an offering of milk, honey, or sweet bread under a bramble bush. Sit in the quiet of sunrise and sunset to see the Fae folk.

Spell for purification by creating a Midsummer fire and making a protective talisman of summer herbs. Cast illness aside by throwing a pouch of herbs into the cleansing flames.

Come together with others, either in person or online, to celebrate the longest day. Make a connection.

Get out and about, and find both an oak and a holly tree. Bow in respect to both at this time of their yearly battle.

-Hedgewitch Book of Days: Spells, Rituals, and Recipes for the Magical Year
Mandy Mitchell

We are Witches
We walk the path of the Old Gods
From this moment forth
We will not walk alone
Together, we will worship
Together, we will practice our Craft
Together, we will learn and grow
We vow to work, from this day forward
In perfect love and perfect trust
According to the free will of all
And for the good of all
Creating only beauty
Singing in harmony
Our song upon the Earth
Love is the law and love is the bond
in the name of the Goddess and the God
So do we vow, and so mote it be.

–Circle, Coven, & Grove: A Year of Magickal Practice
Deborah Blake

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Simple Passing Ceremony for a Pet

Simple Passing Ceremony for a Pet


One purple candle, holy water, Oreo cookie, one favored pet toy, stalks of fresh mint. NOTE: Purple is the color associated with the dead. The Orea cookie, with its white and black coloring stands for the darkness before the Fire Mother and the Light of Spirit. (It also happened to be my pet’s favorite food). Mint is used to banish negative energy as well as provide protection for the spirit of the deceased during his or her journey to the Summerland.

Instructions: Band the stalks of the mint together with string or a rubber band. Lightly crush the mint, once, in your hand. Dip the leaves in the holy water and sprinkle over the altar, then sprinkle around the area in a clockwise direction. Return to the altar. Sprinkle the candle (avoiding the wick). Hold the candle in your hands and close your eyes. Think of your pet being happy in an environment that he is or she loved. In your mind, surround your pet with favorite toys and food. Know that your pet is safe and in the arms of the Goddess and God. Focus loving energy into the candle. Take a deep breath, relax and open your eyes. Place the candle back on the altar and light, saying:


“I love you and I release you to the happy,

loving place where Your Spirit belongs.”


Allow the candle to burn completely out. Bury mint, candle end, food, and toy on your property, or place on the grave.

The day after you pet has passed away, you may not feel so good physically, which is to be expected.

Excerpt from:

“Rite of Passage”
The Ultimate Book of Shadows
for the New Generation
Solitary Witch
by Silver RavenWolf

Pet Passing Rituals

Pet Passing Rituals

I posted Silver RavenWolf’s Pet Rite today for a reason. The reason it was the first Rite as far as a beloved animal passing I had to do. I always had my family around me and they would do the Rite for my animals. I also watched them do their own.

The first time I had an animal pass on me, I was all by myself.  It was my first hybrid wolf dog, Rocky. He died with me holding him in my arms singing to him. I felt his Spirit leave but I wouldn’t let go of him. Finally I put him gently down and said my good-byes to him. After watching my mother, aunts, uncle, grandmother, I knew he needed a proper burial. I knew bits and pieces of the ritual but I didn’t know the whole thing. So I found Silver RavenWolf’s book and I used that exact passage when my first wolf passed on.

Since that time, I adapted that Rite to my needs and hopefully made it much more formal.

Mine differs quite a bit. Let’s take a look at it……

Before you arrive, the men will go and dig a final resting place for the animal. Then like Egyptians, we wrap the body up.. When the body is securely wrapped, it is solemnly transported to the grave site.

We now all have on our ritual attire. I am gathering up what was special to the animal in the refuge. If the animal was close to me, I will include something from me on the altar. I do gather up the same amount of candles, the mint, lavender, food and a purple sash. I put all this in my wicker basket, pull my hood up and we walk up to the grave in a silent procession.

When we reach the grave, the procession surround the burial site. I take my place at the altar. I arrange all the items on the altar. I proceed to light the candles. I light the mint. I do not light the lavender and you will see why in a moment.

Next, I ask the Goddess to guide this poor creature to a happier life. Let him/her be by the Goddess side continuously. Show him/her love, love they did not know on this plane. (If it is one of our personal animals that last part is changed.)

Now I walk over to the grave, I raise the lavender to the sky. I ask it to give this creature peace. Let them know nothing but peace from now on out, in the next plane and in his/her next life. My she/him reincarnate into a world of love and nothing but peace. I gently lay the lavender across the creature.

Next, I pick up the purple sash. I raise it to the sky. I ask for blessings of protection on this simple sash. I ask the sash protect the animal to he/she reaches the love and security of our Goddess. Then let the sash be a constant reminder that he/she is part of something bigger than all of us. He is a child of the Goddess. No more cruelty, no more mistreatment, just love and comfort. I then lay the sash across the animal’s chest.

I then return to the altar and ask anyone if they have any blessings they would like to send. If so, their blessings are said.

Afterwards it is time for the Rite to end. I pick up a clump of dirt and say,

“For the earth you came,

to the Earth you shall return.”

So Mote it be!

The others are now allowed to leave if they like. I stand solemnly at the head of the grave. I chant softly as the grave is filled in. Once the gave is filled in, I give a final blessing and the leave.

Personally I think the way we do the Rite is very beautiful and has a true meaning to it. The first Rite I gave you today was to inspire you the way it did me. You see now what kind of Rite we perform. Frankly it doesn’t even resemble Silver RavenWolf’s rite at all anymore.

I always tell you to use the spells and rituals found on this site as examples. Learn to write your own. See what a difference it makes. See how beautiful they can turn out.

A Beautiful Blessing for Our Familiars

A Beautiful Blessing for Our Familiars

Furry and mysterious
You have blessed my life
And my magickal practice
With your sweet spirit
And the essence of your soul.
Be blessed and welcome
Companion and helper
As you boost my power
By lending your strength
And your own deep magick.
May we live together
And practice together
For many years to come
And bring joy and strength
As we grow in our bond.
In perfect love and perfect trust
May we practice our magick
forever and ever
O blessed familiar.

So Mote It Be.


10 Tips for Using Essential Oils in the Home

10 Tips for Using Essential Oils in the Home

By J. Black

When guests enter your home the first thing that greets them is the
aroma. Essential oils are often used to create a homey atmosphere
within the home.
Add 6-8 drops of your favourite scent to water in a diffuser or place
the drops directly into a bowl of boiling water.

Sweet orange, lemon and your favourite spice oil are especially good
when diffused during the winter months for a refreshing, warming
aroma and atmosphere.

Candles fragranced with  can also be used to give the
home a pleasant ambience and aroma.

Other ways essential oils can be used around the home include…

1. Add a few drops of essential oil to water in a spray bottle to
freshen linen or spray on garments before .

2. As an air-freshener put 6-8 drops in 600 ml of water in a fine
spray bottle and spray into the air and towards carpets and curtains.
Do not spray onto velvet or silk and avoid spraying directly onto

3. Place cotton wool balls fragranced with lavender in drawers and
linen closet to deter moths.

4. Put 4 drops of oil onto a cotton wool ball and place behind the
heater or radiator in winter. Drops can also be used with the

5. Clean your fridge with a one drop of orange, mandarin, mint,
lavender or lemon oil added to the final rinse water.

6. When washing down surfaces in the kitchen 1 drop of lemon, thyme,
cypress, lavender or palma rosa placed directly on a cloth or
alternatively 7 drops in water.

7. Put a drop or two of oil onto a cold light bulb in a lamp so the
fragrance fills the room as it heats up.

8. Essential oils are used to clean the air rather than mask smells
in the home. To rid a room of stale tobacco or cooking smells use
cinnamon, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, orange, tea tree, rosemary or
lime for their ability to freshen and cleanse the air of stagnant
smells throughout the house.

Saturate cotton wool balls and place in the corners of a room, in
cupboards or out-of-the-way places to fragrance kitchens and living
areas throughout the house.

9. Hallways are the place where we greet our guests. Use lemon, lime,
bergamont or grapefruit. Lavender or geranium can be mixed with any
of these. Lavender is uplifting in the morning and geranium has a
calming effect and good for afternoons when you may need to wind down
at the end of the day

10. Keep tea tree oil in your first aid kit for cuts, burns and head lice.


Calming Aromatherapy Spray – Formula

Calming Aromatherapy Spray – Formula

Adapted from Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit, by Gabriel Mojay (Inner Traditions, 1997).

This easy-to-make formula is based on centuries-old aromatherapy wisdom that reduces anxiety and apprehension.

After all, we can all use a little more calm and reassurance from time to time–and this spray smells simply divine!

According to aromatherapy wisdom, Lavender is one of the most comforting oils, often used for anxiety in those who feel oppressed or emotionally confused, or feel they don’t know where to turn.

Palmarosa nourishes heart energy and has a cooling, calming, supportive effect. It alleviates fear and insecurity.

Jasmine combines a calming effect with a distinctly upliting one and is especially useful for anxiety when it alternates with feelings of depression.

Geranium calms nervous anxiety and alleviates insecurity.


1. Place one cup of water in a spray bottle, and add the following pure essential oils:

3 drops lavender
2 drops Palmrosa
2 drops Jasmine
1 drop geranium

2. Shake well and spray upward toward the center of the room, or onto any non-staining surface

Aromas to Heal a Broken Heart

Aromas to Heal a Broken Heart

By Francoise Rapp

Too often people write off break-ups as just another page to turn in the book of life. There is some truth in that, but break-ups should be taken a bit more seriously. After all, this is the end of a relationship. And this loss can be as painful as losing a loved one in death. To heal it takes time, self-care, and conscious processing of your emotions. It is vital that you allow this healing process to occur, and take advantage of the situation to treat yourself with gentleness and nurturing.

Here are some other things to keep in mind during this transformative time:

· Avoid any big decisions.

· Go into the pain and the feelings. There is no way out but to get through it…and you will!

· Take long aromatherapy baths with appropriate holistic blends. See recipes below.

· Cry when you need to. Don’t let others tell you to just get over it.

· Be VERY selfish.

· Surround yourself with positive and happy people.

· Dare to ask for a lot of hugs.

· Get a dog or cat, or cuddle with the ones you have.

· Write really awful, bitchy, letters to your ex. Write everything you would love to say. Burn them in the sink. Run the water to make it go away.

· Love yourself. Look in the mirror as often as you can and say wonderful things about yourself aloud.

· Write your way through the feelings.

· Connect with other people who understand and can relate: friends, counselors, message boards on websites, etc.

· Have a healthy lifestyle: eat well, exercise (at least get some fresh air on the beach, at the park, etc.).

· Nourish your soul with beauty: watch movies, read poetry, go to museums.

· Meditate.

· Stay alone and appreciate the tranquility of your aloneness.

There’s no rule for how long the pain of a heartbreak will last. It may take weeks, months or even years. But using the following special aromatherapy blend and ritual will soothe your heart, nurture your wounded soul, and envelop you in comfort. I recommend following this bath ritual every night until you feel the pain has faded.

Your Daily Bath Ritual to Ease Your Broken Heart
Prepare your aromatherapy blend by adding the following essential oils to a 10-oz bottle and filling with organic vegetable oil:

· 4 drops Rose Essential Oil
· 15 drops Sandalwood Oil
· 9 drops Lavender Oil

Run some warm water for your bath and add 10 drops of your aromatic blend. Light some candles and turn off the lights. Close your eyes and place your hands on your heart. Visualize yourself filled and surrounded by a pink color. Take a few deep breaths. Feel the color soothing your being. Say aloud, “I am love myself.” Take a few deep breaths again. Soak for at least 15 minutes.

After you get out of the bath, pour a few drops of the aromatherapy blend into the palms of your hands and anoint your heart chakra (the seat of love: healing, grieving, acceptance), and the third eye (integrating, detachment, connection with your Higher Self).

Ease The Stress With Aromatherapy Massage

Cypress – 8 drops Lemon – 5 drops Bergamot – 5 drops 1 cup cool water Mix oils into cool water, wring out a cotton cloth in mixture and place over area. Leave compress on for 15 minutes, then replace. Do this 2-3 times daily

* Eases muscular aches and pains and promotes muscle relaxation.
* Releases endorphins, the brain’s natural opiates, which encourages a feeling of well being and confidence.

If receiving a massage isn’t possible, self massage can provide many benefits. It can be performed in the bath, car, bed, sitting at a desk, etc. The easiest areas to work are the neck, shoulders, arms, hands and feet.

Below are a few precautions regarding massage:
* Do not have a massage immediately after a meal or if you are feeling unwell or drained of energy.
* Massage should not be done over any areas of skin infection, rashes, cuts, sores, burns or varicose veins.