Putting The Dirt To Work

Putting The Dirt To Work

When working with dirt, there is no need to cleanse it, charge it or do anything else you might do when using another ingredient in your spells or rituals. Why? Because the Earth is very old, ancient in fact, making it very stable. The Earth has collected all the consciousness of those who have walked here before us. The Earth has collected their knowledge and their power. If you had collected the dirt from a cemetery, it would contain all the energies and qualities of the person whose final resting place you got the dirt from. Altogether, you have already made a magickal operation. Now to apply it.

There are several ways you can do this, but they all start out the same. You just need to decide which dirt samples to combine. You can mix as many or as few as you like, the only rule being that the combination must be to your benefit and not harm you in any way at all.

Once you’ve decided this, the only left is to figure out exactly how you intend to apply the dirt. There is no right or wrong way and that you can’t mess it up.  Just be comfortable with the method you choose and let the dirt go to work.

Here are a few ideas on applying your dirt:

Sprinkling:  The easiest and quicest way to incorporate the dirt’s energies into your life is to sprinkle it along the bottom of your walls, under your throw rugs, along the outside of your house and then at the end of your property. Be sure to include all door mats and around the front porch. The only problem with its presence inside the house is the vacuum cleaner. Just be aware that you’ll have to replace the dirt every time you clean.

Charm Bags:  The bag can be made out of the traditional red flannel, leather, beadwork or any material that you prefer. The dirt is combined with snippets of your hair and fingernail clippings. By doing this, it indicates that you are the person to benefit from the spell. You can also include any other items that you might consider important to your spell working. The mixture is then placed in the bag, which is then worn around the neck or placed some where on the body. The bags can contain nail and hair clippings from other family members also. If you decide to do this, the bag should be buried rather than worn and rest close to the front step of the home as possible.

Good Luck Bottles:  Some knows these as Witches’ Bottles, which means you will have to have a jar with a tightly, secured lid.  The dirt mixture is placed in the bottom of the container and sprinkled with herbs that vibrate to good fortune (cinnamon, basil, lavender, as excellent herbs to use, the combination brings love, money and spiritual protection.)  Fish hooks are also added to hook good luck for you, as are nine dimes in payment to the spirit world for its protection and rewards.  Once the jar is at least half full, it should be filled to the top with your urine, capped tightly, and buried on your property.  Again bury this close to the front door as possible.

Which Dirt Is Which Dirt – Or – Do I Really Need To Use Graveyard Dirt

Which Dirt Is Which Dirt – Or – Do I Really Need To Use Graveyard Dirt?

With so much about graveyard dirt, most us assume that nothing else will do in our Voodoo, Hoodoo, curses or hexes. But that is not the truth. There are lots of places where you can gather dirt: places that are easy to access and depending on your intention, may even suit your needs better.

To collect your ordinary dirt, begin by looking around your surroundings, check to see what is normal around you. If you are in town, around the City Hall, you will find people walking, sitting, eating lunch, and just basically wondering around. All you have to do is blend in with them. You can sit down on the ground, pick up a stick and proceed to scratch and dig up some Earth. Or you can pretend you dropped something on the ground, if you are carrying a pencil, use it to scratch up some dirt. You can get your dirt quickly and no one will be the wiser.

Below you will find a few location where you can collect dirt. Also included is what you can use the dirt for after you collected it at these locations:

Bank:  Collect and use this dirt to bring money into your hands or to receive payment of a long overdue debt.

Church:  This dirt is wonderful when used to invite the assistance of positive spiritual forces. It also goes a long way toward protecting against the intrusion of evil spirits.

The Courthouse:  Use this dirt for anything even remotely involving legal matters. This could include contracts, court cases, general justice, and even money that’s owed to you. If your intent would benefit from the discerning eye of the Law, this is the dirt for you.

School, College, etc.: Whether it comes from a school yard or a college campus, this dirt is fantastic for efforts involving knowledge acquisition and retention. It can also be used effectively in magick to help you study.

Your Enemy’s Home:  Gathering this dirt might take great skill on your part and involve some sneaking around to collect it. There is no better way to cut your enemy off at the knees than to use dirt from his own home against him. Be very careful, you could cause possible harm to everyone living there. So you have to be extremely careful in wording your spell. Be specific as to who your enemy is.

Your Home:  Collect this dirt to protect everyone in your home and also provide a safe return for them. To protect your family members, sprinkle dirt in their shoes (every pair they own). Now if you really like someone to return to your home and visit you again, sprinkle dirt in their shoes too.

Hospital, Clinic, Doctor’s Office, Anywhere Medical:  Gathering dirt from any of these places for your efforts that involve healing. Keep in mind, no magick in the world should be substituted for good medical care or medicine. Also be certain that healing is what you have in mind when you add dirt to magick especially if it is a serious illness or possibility death. You are probably scratching your head over this one. But healing and staying alive are two different things entirely. If a person is in severe pain and you know deep down in your heart there is no chance for recovery, then death is often the best way to heal that person.

Garden or Flower Shop:  This dirt is often used in Love spells. It does make love sprout and grow. But if you are serious and perhaps your magick would interfere with a person’s free will, then don’t add this dirt to your magick.

Shopping Malls:  As you can imagine a shopping mall has an excellent reputation for attracting huge sums of money. For this very reason, obtain this dirt and use it well when seeking employment or increasing your cash flow.

Police Station:  Dirt from this area is collected and sprinkled along the baseboards of the home and along the edges of its structure to keep the family safe from harm. It’s not a good idea to use this dirt if you’re involved in any sort of illegal dealings, because you will probably be bringing the police to your very door.

Workplace:  There are lots of uses for this sort of dirt. It works well when included in an effort for getting a promotion or raise. But that’s not all. It can also be used to foil a co-workers or getting the dirt on the company, no pun intended!

Lighten Up – You might be a Redneck Pagan if….

You might be a Redneck Pagan if…

  • If you think “widdershins” refers to the calves of the bereaved lady next door….
  • If you think fetch deer is a command you give yer dawg….
  • If you think a goblet is a young turkey….
  • If you think Drawing Down the Moon means demolishing the outhouse….
  • If you call your coven mates “Bud” and “Sis”….
  • If you think a Great Rite is turning onto County Road 13….
  • If your Quarter candles smell like kerosene….
  • If you pronounce “Athame” as “Athaym” and “Samhain” as “Sammon” or “Sam-hayn”….
  • If you think a “Sidhe” is a girl….
  • If your idea of the “Goddess” is the Coors Swedish Bikini Ski Team….
  • If your Bard plays the banjo….
  • If your ‘Long Lost Friend really IS….
  • If your lawn is decorated with at least one, preferably two or more, plastic pink flamingos, whom you regard as your familiars….
  • If your Wand of Power is a cattle prod….
  • If your ceremonial belt has your name on the back and a belt buckle bigger than your head….
  • If you call the Quarters by invoking “Billy, Joe, Jim and Bob”….
  • If you call the Gods by hollerin’ “Hey y’all, watch me!”….
  • If your favorite robe has the logo of a manufacturer of major farm equipment on the back….
  • If you’ve ever harvested ritual herbs with a weed wacker….
  • If your ritual staff is a double barrel shotgun….
  • If your ritual garments include any one of the following: plaid flannels, long johns, a pistol belt, or cowboy boots….
  • If you’ve ever blessed chewing tobacco or snuff….
  • If your ritual wine is Maddog 20/20, Night Train or White Lady 21….
  • If the instructions to get to your Covenstead include the words “After you turn off the paved road”….
  • If your altar-cloth is a rebel flag….
  • If you use junk cars to mark the four corners of your circle….
  • If your Eternal Flame just happens to be under a still….
  • If you use an engine block for an altar….
  • If your High Priestess is your cousin – as well as your wife….
  • If, when drawing down the moon, you say, “Ya’ll come on down, ya hear?”….
  • If your pickup truck has an Athame rack….
  • If your crystal ball is made of polystyrene (i.e., a bowling ball)….
  • If your High Priestess has a spittoon on her altar….

You might be a Redneck Pagan!

author unknown

Daily Cosmic Calendar for June 10

For the most part, yesterday’s softer and more nurturing cosmic tone remains in place. However, a Mercury-Pallas square of 90-degrees (12:33AM PDT) is an early signal that problem-solving may be difficult to accomplish this morning. This Mercury-Pallas challenging aspect reminds you to avoid mental burnout and useless worrying.  Meanwhile, healing forces are back on the march – courtesy of the monthly Moon-Chiron union in Pisces (6:29AM PDT) – reinforced by their parallel at 8:13AM PDT. Tune into your morning dreams and visions. Write down revelations and consider their wider meaning in the next 48 hours since Chiron is about to become virtually motionless tomorrow night as this unusual comet-like celestial body begins a reversal that lasts until November 14.  There is more excitement and stimulation arriving on the scene this morning since the Sun forges an inspirational, 72-degree link with Uranus (7:44AM PDT) while Ceres in Taurus opposes Juno in Scorpio (9:10AM PDT). The Sun-Uranus encounter encourages advanced studies in metaphysics, science and kindred subjects. The Ceres-Juno polarity is a reminder to treat dear ones, friends and associates with respect and understanding. Be a good listener in matters of the heart and steer clear of arm-twisting maneuvers to prove a point.  Maintain a clear consciousness this evening as Mercury makes an inspirational, 72-degree link to Mars (8:30PM PDT). This is also a good aspect when it comes to diving into your favorite arts, crafts, hobbies and construction projects.  Get set for a day of profound changes and shifts in mood tomorrow as giant Jupiter changes signs, Mercury connects with two of the outer planets, and Chiron pauses in Pisces on its way into a five-month retreat.